There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dating ain't easy #1-Find your well

One of the best things that I learned during my years of dating was to "Find your well". What do I mean by "Find your well." It means to go and serve where the kind of person you want to be your spouse congregates. Isaac's wife was found at a well serving. Moses wife was found at a well serving. Jesus even met a woman at a well and she turned out to be a great addition to his bride the Body of Christ. So many single Christians get themselves all twisted up because they met somebody at a gas station or at a bar or a club and they do not really know who this person is or what their character is like. When I realized this I started going to places where I would be around godly men (to hold me accountable) and women and not around skanks. Did I just say that??? Anyway in the process I found a beautiful woman to be my wife and helpmeet. Not because I was so focused on dating but because I was focused on serving. So ladies if you want to better your prospects then find your well! Fellas if you want to better your prospects. Find your well! I can't guarantee anything but it is a start. No use of fishing in the Sahara :)

While we are on the subject has anybody had a horror story of meeting someone at a club or on the street somewhere?

If you are married where did you meet your spouse?

Grace and peace,



AgentValerie said...

In the midst of your series I'm curious to ask if you're going to address the issue of non-marriage and it's values within Christian-dom.

Jesus never married.

Paul never married.

Many of the Saints were without spouses.

There are exhortations to "stay as I am" from the Apostle Paul. (Of course, "IF we could" was also included). But I don't think the value of singleness is taught well in the body these days.

Many do want to marry; Yes. But many are single, and for long seasons. The Bible states when we are single "we are focused on pleasing the Lord and not our spouses" Hmmm??.... if that is our goal as believers to please the Lord, why would we entangle ourselves where we would be distracted from our devotion? Or why would we discount the value of singleness when it shows a more focused ability to care about the things of God?

I think singleness has great value and if the Body had more encouragement in singleness, dating would be a completely different issue.

Ramon said...

That is a great insight Valerie. I will address that.

Cheryl said...

YES! Find your well! I really want to strive after this. It does get hard sometimes as the years keep going by and you wonder if or when you will have a spouse. I tried to do things my way and search after a mate and that ended badly! I dated a non-Christian thinking I could convert him. He would come to church with me just to make me happy. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I was tired of waiting on God. This made me stray away from God and I stopped hanging out with my Christian friends. I was happy I thought. After years of this I came to a desperate place where I was on my knees because I needed God to get me out of the mess I had created. God is so faithful even when we are not.

I want God's best and I'm waiting on him. This is something I have to remind myself often. I learned from experience that I can not be in control of who I is really up to God. So I hold on to the promise that he knows the desires of my heart.