There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Senior Citizens Hip Hop Choir and Boring Seminary Teachers

One of my biggest struggles is when the content of something is devlivered in a less than spectacular or at the least unsuitable form. It's like when people over 50 try to rap. Now don't get me wrong soon enough most rappers will be 50 (not 50 cent :) but they grew up in the culture and time period of rap. I think the question of delivery vs. content is why we laugh at things like "The rappin granny" or the Senior Citizens Hip Hop Choir

This brings up another issue I have been seeing in seminary. The teachers who have the most students that attend and rave about their classes and tell others are the ones who have a better "delivery". They are more personable. The lectures are engaging. My black theology professor Dr. Ralph Watkins has preached, sang, and fell out on the floor without missing a step and it has not only been enjoyable but it is in line with the content of the class-black theology. If teachers or preachers don't have the delivery right the content is lost. People can go read the book for the content but only the messenger can bring the delivery.