There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Church and mission 10/19-The four F words of 1st century Christian leadership

1st century Christian leadership was flat, fluid, functional and many times female. This is also the kind of leadership that we need in the 21st century. We need flat leadership with less hierarchy or no hierarchy at all (although sometimes that's inevitable). We need fluid leadership with people not stuck in permanent roles and becoming institutionalized. We need functional leadership that is not about titles but the gifts that leaders bring to the table. We need leadership that is female because for years the body of Christ has been missing out on its key players-the women that have been sitting on the bench due to mishandled scripture and male insecurity. This is the kind of leadership we need but the question now is how does my church measure up to the four F words of 1st century Christian leadership?

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