There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Objections to the Obama-Nation 2

Another objection to Obama being president is that he is only a good public speaker and not good on his toes in a debate. This is honestly one of the most ridiculuous arguments I have ever heard of. A president's merit and ability to fulfill the duties of his office are not contingent on his method of communicating to the public. The real issue is what is he going to do for the American people. If someone's method of communication was the real issue then Abraham Lincoln definitely should have been canned since he talked with a shrill nasal voice. If Obama can articulate his viewpoints and vision for this country in a speech better than in a debate or conversation then let the man do his thing and stop drinkin the haterade! While we are on the subject of methods of communication Obama and Mccain will be participating in a civil forum at Saddleback church with Pastor Rick Warren. It will be in a non debate format with Rick asking questions of each candidate for an hour. You can find out the times it will be aired here

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