There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Seize the Day-Women in ministry

There is this ongoing debate about whether women should be in ministry. I have actually been paralyzed by this issue until I meditated on the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit moves irrespective of gender or culture. The Holy Spirit is the one who leads us into our gifts, our roles, our leadership and our authority. God said I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. All means all. If the Spirit of God is moving in a woman then I want to always yield to the Spirit.

Seize the Day-Tiredness

Just coming off this conference called Seize the Day and it has left me wasted. Very very tired. One of the speakers David Ruis talked about how living in LA makes you tired. I have to agree. The traffic, the ratrace, the image chasing is all enough to suck the life out of you. He described it as the land of "shattered dreams" People up and leave in a second and no one is connected or rooted to anything. Lack of fulfilling relationships can also make you tired.

What do you think?

Seize the Day-Tiredness

Just coming off this conference called Seize the Day and it has left me wasted. Very very tired. One of the speakers David Ruis talked about how living in LA makes you tired. I have to agree. The traffic, the ratrace, the image chasing is all enough to suck the life out of you. He described it as the land of "shattered dreams" People up and leave in a second and no one is connected or rooted to anything. Lack of fulfilling relationships can also make you tired.

What do you think?

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Being sick

Being sick is God's way of getting us to stop and slow down enough to examine life. We realize we are mortal and begin to weigh the time and energy we have spent. We consider whether or not it has been worth it. Whether or not we should chart a new course, step out into uncharted waters. After all we could get sick again or we could fade away and die.