There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Saturday, April 04, 2009

So you're a pastor now?

Well this is the end of the first week being the "senior" pastor" (I still don't like how that sounds) and I feel energized and refreshed and at the same time dead dog tired. After meeting with interns, working on the sermon, meeting with one of our resident artists Matthias Thornton Bivens otherwise known as Matt Bivens, Sending out emails about the service, baptism, follow up materials and numerous other miscellaneous things, a phone meeting with our kids director/set up person/bulletin printer, preaching Sunday morning and the korean birthday party for the one year old son of two of our worship leaders plus.....watching Kaydon, reading for my African Roots of Black Theology Class, Mccormick and Shmicks with Yvette, trips to the bank, the thrift store, and Burlington Coat Factory....I am tired.

Now mind you this was not all in one day and there was a whole day where I sat around in my pj's, watched a movie, played with my son and had my bottle of guiness for the night. So I do keep it balanced.

All this to say that this was actually a pretty tame week when I think about what is to come and I am ready to throw my hands up and scream for the rest of the rollercoaster ride! Life is good ;)

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