There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pastor on the fringe

I have always wondered why I have had a missionary heart while having the gifts of pastoring and teaching. I used to think maybe I was supposed to pastor and care for missionaries overseas. Maybe that is in the cards for the future but I feel right now I am in the zone as a pastor of the fringe. I think this is a great need as we see ourselves in a Western culture that is secular and becoming increasingly unchurched. I used to think pastoring was for those who are heavily churched. It made me think of rural areas where people have been Christians for over four generations. Now I see my call as a pastor in a much different light. Now I see it as a call to pastor the unchurched, the returning back to church, and the recently churched. What does this mean in practical terms?

1) It means as a pastor of a multiethnic church I must deal with and address the issues that are pertinent to a global context and not just the Amerikkkan evangelical context. Issues like being racially sinned against, veneration of ancestors, spirits are going to be a part of that most definitely.

2) It also means that I deal with gender issues as we have many women in leadership. It's going to take a lot of sensitivity, insight, and listening and openness to change in ministry plans and preaching to a female audience.

3) It means that I have to keep my eye out for not only those who are unreached but for those who are forgotten. The issues that are forgotten or never thought about are the hardest to keep an eye out for but two that I am working on right now are: marijuana use and homosexuality. What do we do about these issues that are currently on voting ballots? Does anyone have any resources to recommend or any theological perspective besides "they are wrong"?

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