There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Thursday, October 23, 2008

One more question especially for Vineyard folks

I was just about to go get something to drink and start working on my assignments when another burning question that needs to be answered came to me:

How can global theology play a role in the Vineyard a movement that wants to break out of the suburban white mold and relate to other ethnic groups? I think this is significant because John Wimber challenged the Western world with his teaching on power evangelism and power healing to break out of the rational western worldview. The question is "Have we really broken out of it? Is there something else that needs to happen...something else that needs to change? What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

David Carr said...

Wow, more good questions. I think John Wimber pushed us out of some of the unhealthy western rationalism that could not cohere with the movement/gifts of the Spirit. But as for our "worldview" as a whole, I think we still have a ways to go. In my opinion, the new ways in which we relate to other ethnic groups has to be one of the next "big things" in the Vineyard. I hear the Vineyard is actually growing more overseas than it is here in the US, but I have a few questions about that: Are those churches in the Southern Hemisphere on a level playing field with the US churches? Are they invited to speak at our conferences? To teach us from their perspective? Hopefully you are not the only one asking such questions!