There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Friday, February 29, 2008

Size doesn't matter

Matthew 13:31,32

The size of the kingdom doesn't matter. It is not about the big grandiose whiz-bang- flash things, It starts of small. I think this flies in the face of our American super size culture. We are always waiting for the next BIG THING! The next BIG THING actually has a small beginning. I think we are impatient with small beginnings. The kingdom of God isn't necessarily about big crusades or mass evangelism or huge powerpoint projector screens. It is about the small and subtle. It is a smile. An embrace. A good tip to your server at a restaurant. That is the seed of the kingdom and soon it will grow into a tree where the birds of the air nest in its branches (Daniel 4:19-22)

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