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BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Some heavy light reading

I used to avoid reading novels and other sorts of fiction. I felt like if I'm going to read a book then it has to further my success in life-a very pragmatic approach. The one thing that I have learned is that through fiction we are immersed in reality. We get to taste the sins, mistakes, joys, and triumphs of ourselves and others. This has been really helpful as a pastor. Reading through the Cider House Rules or any one of Tolkien's works has brought me to a greater understanding of myself and those around me.

What are your favorite pieces of fiction? If you don't have any here is a list from Off the Agenda a blog about building church leaders. Some very good selections although there are alot of them that directly reference God or Christianity. Not that it's a bad thing but I think it's the more subtle themes in the non christian world that really illuminate the human existence.

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