There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Video games

I am amazed at the video game phenomena. Video games have now eclipsed movies in sales. This is a trend that I believe will increase as the years go by. What is it about our global culture that finds them so appealing? Where is God in the midst of gaming?

1 comment:

The Orchard Christian Church said...

That is amazing. Maybe it is because young men feel marginalized by society. They are not being told to (or are discouraged in various ways from trying to) lead, provide, and protect, and so they withdraw. (or maybe join a gang, where they can get a chance to do these things.)

I've read your blog going back 2 years, and we're in north Montebello. I was DJing Blondie's "Rapture" before anyone knew wheat Rap was, and I liked Run DMC. But I just don't care much for the rap in recent decades- with the exception of Mat Kearney "undeniable"