There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sick as a dog

I am sick as a dog. I don't know where that expression came from but that describes it. Runny nose, sore throat, and sore bones. The only good thing is that I have time to read and write.

So I'm reading:

Genesis. I am reading this because I have not read the Old Testament in a long time and what better place to start the beginning. Great story. Great narrative. Now I am reading it with new eyes since I discovered the main hero or protagonist is God

Luke. Luke's gospel is for the hurt, the downcast, the marginalized, the outsider. That's who I am and that's who I want to be in touch with. It is a well of compassion.

Spiritual Leadership by Oswald Sanders. I read this during the time I led a Campus Crusade/Impact summer project to Ethiopia. It was the first time I officially led anything. I was in charge of 15 people, the liason between 4 groups, and responsible for $20,000. So needless to say I was out of my league but this book gave me some footing and grounding in a very shaky time.

How to Read the Bible for all it's Worth by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart. This book is something that I can pull out and read anytime. A true gem that gives you the mechanics of interpreting each genre of scripture. It also gives you a new respect for the Bible. The book of books.

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