There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Friday, May 01, 2009

The Holy Land Experience

Christianity and capitalism have come together once again in the Holy Land Experience. Check out the video To me this cheapens the Bible and makes Christians look like money grubbing opportunists. Didn't Jesus whip the money changers out of the temple?

On another note this also is very inauthentic. Most of the actors are white including Jesus and Mary. Still many brainwashed white people go to look at a bearded Fabio while eating cotton candy and popcorn to make themselves feel good. The worst part is seeing the little black kids sitting at the feet of this Fabio lookalike.

Let's look at some evidence to the contrary:

1. Egypt was a colony of Nubia which in ancient times as well as today is black or africoid

2. The Hebrews went into Egypt 70 deep and came out of Egypt 400-500 years later half a million strong.

3. Jesus went into Egypt to hide for at least 12 years and does not get caught.

4. The Jews as we know them today are the product of 2,000 years of racial mixing as they were dispersed to Europe and Russia.

5. Jewish identity today is still a mixed bag of religious, cultural, and genetic markers

The question is this Is it possible that Christ was black or African in physical appearance? Let me know what you think because I need some input to write my next paper for class.

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