There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Worn out but inspired by sacrament and Schmelzer

I am really tired today and I still have to finish my sermon but at least I have a spark of inspiration. Yesterday I listened to a sermon by Dave Schmelzer of the Greater Boston Vineyard. It was on creativity. The highlight was how he compared the liturgical churches (catholic, anglican, orthodox) with the protestant churches (everybody else) in regard to art. A greater number of artists and a higher quality of art came from the liturgical churches. He says that is because liturgical churches focus on sacrament or visible signs of worship in contrast to protestant churches that focus on word or abstract thoughts. It was freeing to hear this because I have struggled as far as fitting into the church most of my life with my creative and artistic inclinations. It made me realize that my art can be worship without it having to directly relate to some christian thing. I can be a christian and an artist and not necessarily a christian artist. Thanks Dave!!! Here is a link to his sermon

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