There is a method to it....

BBC News | Africa | World Edition

Friday, March 16, 2007

meat eating struggle

I have been striving to give up meat but it's hard. I have cut down on my meat consumption but giving it up totally is still far away. I am doing it for environmental/spiritual reasons. The other day I read an article that talked about how meat consumption is bad for your health but also bad for the environment. Water, oil, and land are consumed with a vengeance while people go starving so we can have the filet mignon or that Whopper with cheese (Uh oh it's almost lunchtime) Here are some facts I discovered from Earthsave International:

80% of corn and oats grown in the US are fed to livestock (while people are starving)

An acre can produce 165 pounds of beef or 20,000 punds of potatoes (that's Big Mac's for me or food for those who really need it)

It takes 25 gallons of water to produce a pound of wheat. It takes 2500 gallons of water to produce a pound of meat. (Hmmmm...meat or wheat)

It takes 50 times more fossil fuels to produce a meat centered diet than a meat free diet.

So there's my motivation. Now I just have to break the habit. It's so hard in a meat eating society. Do I have enough courage and integrity to change?

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